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The Quick Count and Election Observation
An NDI Guide for Civic Organizations and
Political Parties
Melissa Estok, Neil Nevitte and
Glenn Cowan |
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A quick count is a powerful method for monitoring elections.
Observers watch the voting and counting processes at
selected polling stations, record key information on
standardized forms and report their findings to a central
data collection center. Quick count methodology is used to
evaluate the overall quality of election day processes and
to veritfy official election results.
This handbook is designed for civic activists, political
party representatives and others who are systematically
observing elections to protect their rights and to promote
transparency and accountability in the process. It provides
an overview of how quick counts have been conducted
worldwide and gives a step-by-step explanation of how to
organize an election observation effort from the planning
stages through election day and afterwards. Appendices
provide sample materials representing best practices from
organizations around the world.
continue >>>
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Excerpt lifted from
"The Quick Count and Election Observation" (National Democratic
Institute, 2002) |