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Focus on West Papua (Part 1)
by Paolo B. Maligaya, NAMFREL Senior Operations
(Mr. Maligaya was in West Papua to observe the July 20, 2011 gubernatorial
election for the Asian Network for Free Elections - ANFREL) |
NAMFREL Election Monitor Vol.2, No.18
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Two time zones away from the Indonesian
capital Jakarta, Western Papua is the Indonesian half of the island
of New Guinea, the world's second largest island next to Greenland.
Rich in natural resources, most of western Papua is composed of
dense forests, with a high degree of biodiversity, home to many
endemic species like the cenderawasih (bird of paradise) that Papua
is known for. Western Papua (the eastern part of New Guinea being
Papua New Guinea, which used to be under Australia), though one of
Indonesia's biggest regions in terms of land area, is the country's
least populated . The original inhabitants are ethnic Papuans,
Melanesians, and Austronesians, coming from different tribes, some
of which still practice their traditional way of life; reportedly,
there are tribes in the mountains that remain uncontacted.
Culturally, Papuans are very distinct from the rest of Indonesia,
and almost 80% of the population are Christians.
Of the 3 million population of Western Papua, an increasing
percentage is composed of transmigrants: families,
professionals and other individuals, including those
affected by natural calamities, from other (populous) parts
of Indonesia -- like Java and Sumatra -- who take advantage
of government incentives to avail of its transmigrant
program. The transmigrant program remains one of the
contentious issues surrounding Papua: while the Indonesian
central government in Java sees the program as a way to
alleviate social problems in some areas and to redistribute
human resources where they are needed, many Papuans see this
as a threat to their culture and to their very existence as
a people. In the 1960s, when Indonesia annexed Papua,
transmigrants comprised 2% of the population; this figure
jumped to 35% in 2000, and in 2011, transmigrants comprise
more than 50% of the population. Many Papuans fear that in
the near future, they will be the minority in their
The details of the integration of Western
Papua into the republic of Indonesia is still being hotly debated.
former Netherlands New Guinea was part of the colonial Netherlands
Indies (Dutch East Indies). When
Indonesia was granted independence, the Netherlands seceded all of
Dutch East Indies to Indonesia, except
Netherlands New Guinea. Historical accounts offer several reasons,
from the Dutch wanting to retain the region
as a home for Eurasians, to the reason that Papua and its people are
just too distinct to be part of Indonesia.
(Indonesian nationalists maintain to this day that Papua should have
been ceded to the new republic along with
the rest of the Dutch East Indies, and -- in response to the
argument that Papuan culture and appearance are
too distinct from the rest of Indonesia -- are of the opinion that
Indonesia is supra-ethnic, composed of people of
diverse cultures.) After World War II, when the Dutch East Indies
became the Republic of Indonesia, the
Netherlands retained Papua, and prepared it for independence by
promoting nationalism among the Papuans,
holding an election for members of the New Guinea Council, who then
commissioned and adopted a national
anthem, and also a national flag, the Morning Star. In 1961,
Indonesia attempted unsuccessfully to invade
Western Papua, resulting to violence and casualties to both
Indonesian and Dutch forces. In 1962, Netherlands
entered into the UN-led "New York Agreement" seceding authority over
the region to the UN, and then to
Indonesia in 1963, after which Indonesia would have to allow Papuans
to decide for themselves whether they
want independence or annexation. It was around this time that the
Papuan independence movement was born,
the most high profile among the militant organizations being the
Organisasi Papua Merdeka (OPM), or the Free
Papua Movement, which exists to this day. In 1969, Indonesia, upon
supervision of the UN, held the "Act of Free
Choice," but it was done through a council of Papuan elders -- the
members of which were said to have been
handpicked by the Indonesian central government -- instead of a
referendum. The council voted unanimously
that Papua be integrated to Indonesia.
The call for independence did not die. The three decades that
followed saw conflict between Papuan militants and the Indonesian
military, resulting to much violence and deaths, with both camps
accusing each other of human rights violations that up to now have
not been fully investigated and the perpetrators prosecuted. Though
Indonesia granted "special autonomy" to Western Papua in 2001, calls
for full independence continue. Many Papuans still believe that they
were not given a fair chance to decide for themselves when Papua was
annexed. As recent as early this month, rallies were held in Papua
calling for a referendum for Papuan independence.
Social problems in the region seem to have exacerbated over time.
Violent conflict continues in some parts between the militants and
the Indonesian military. Inter-tribe conflict remains. Corruption in
the local government is said to be rampant, with the traditional
"big man" form of leadership still in existence, elitist and feudal
in nature that would make efforts for good governance difficult at
the least. Despite being rich in natural resources, most Papuans
remain poor, with many still practicing subsistence farming. Natural
resources are being depleted fast, especially in the large area
occupied by the powerful US company Freeport-McMoran, which runs the
world's largest gold mine in Papua. There is a lack of health
facilities in the region, with HIV/AIDS and malaria as main health
issues. The level of education remains low, making many Papuans
unable to compete with their transmigrant counterparts. Many ethnic
Papuans are said to feel marginalized – with the arrival of
transmigrants, the lack of opportunities, and inability to fully
express and display their native culture lest it be misconstrued as
encouraging separatism – and dissatisfied with the central
government's efforts to address the different problems in Papua,
deemed insufficient. (While many Papuans feel that the central
government has not done enough for the region and its people, there
are also many who believe that the Indonesian government has wielded
too much influence over the political affairs within western Papua,
undermining the special autonomy status it has given the region.) It
also does not help that the rest of Indonesia are largely unaware of
the goings-on in western Papua due to lack of coverage by the
national media, and access to Papua remains highly restricted,
especially to media, NGOs, even religious organizations, and
foreigners, who are said to be subject to surveillance.
(To be continued) |
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