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Focus on West Papua (Part 2)
by Paolo B. Maligaya, NAMFREL Senior
Operations Associate
(Mr. Maligaya was in West Papua to observe the July 20, 2011 gubernatorial
election for the Asian Network for
Free Elections - ANFREL) |
NAMFREL Election Monitor Vol.2, No.19
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In 2003, the Indonesian half of New Guinea
-- called "Irian Jaya" (IRIAN said to mean "Ikut Republik Indonesia
Anti-Nederland"), and then officially called "Papua" up to that
point -- was divided into two administrative
provinces: Papua in the east, retaining the city of Jayapura as
capital, and West Papua, with the city of
Manokwari as capital.
The decision by then-President Megawati Sukarnoputri to split the
region --- originally into three provinces
including one that was to be named Central Papua -- remains
controversial, as, it is argued, that it was done
without consulting the Papuan people, and that it was against the
terms of the special autonomy. Following
various show of force in 2000 by Papuans demanding independence, the
Indonesian government granted
special autonomy status to western Papua in 2001 -- reportedly
without the involvement of Papuan organizations
and political parties -- to quell the calls for independence and to
provide solutions to the problems in Papua. A
draft of the autonomy law was made by a Papuan team of academicians
precisely to address the numerous
issues troubling the region, but many of the provisions were
reportedly rejected for the final bill. According to the
autonomy law, any policy that would affect Papuans would have to be
approved by the Papuan People's Council
(Majelis Rakyat Papua - MRP); however, this provision did not make
it to the final version of the law. In 2004,
Megawati's decision was declared unconstitutional by the courts, but
it was too late as the two provinces had
already been established. The establishment of a third one, Central
Papua, was prevented. In the post-Suharto
era, the creation of new administrative districts became prevalent
throughout the country, purportedly to enable
citizens to have greater access to government services and
facilities, although many argue that the
division/splitting up of existing provinces and districts are
encouraged by those who want to head said districts
and just facilitate corruption. Some see the move as divisive, to
the extent of calling it “divide and conquer,” in a
country where calls for independence have been initiated in not a
few of the archipelago's island provinces
inhabited by numerous distinct ethnic groups. In western Papua, the
people also saw transmigrants getting the
white-collar jobs created by the establishment of new districts, as
they are unable to compete effectively.
The province of West Papua, with less than a million in total
population, is now composed of 11 regencies
(kabupaten/kota), with Sorong as the largest city, and Manokwari as
the administrative capital. Two of these
regencies -- Tambrauw and Maybrat -- were recently formed, taking
areas that used to belong to South Sorong
regency (in the case of Maybrat), and Sorong (in the case of
Tambrauw). The legality of the creation of these two
districts are still being questioned, and the residents are said to
have rejected the idea. The heads of these two
new regencies were scheduled to be elected in 2011 along with the
new governor and vice governor.
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Abraham Octavianus Atuturi, a Papuan and a retired general of the
Indonesian military, had been the governor of
West Papua since the province was established in 2003, winning
reelection in 2006. Before getting elected
governor, he was the Bupati (regent) of Sorong from 1992 to 1997,
and deputy governor of Irian Jaya (the whole
of western Papua) from 1996-2000. For the 2011 gubernatorial
election, he ran for re-election, along with the
incumbent vice-governor, Rahimin Katjong. As the incumbent and being
very influential, he was touted as the
frontrunner to win the election, and many believed that his victory
was a done deal.
The gubernatorial election in West Papua had already been postponed
three times: from the original date of April
30, it was postponed to May 23, then was re-scheduled for June 27.
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The reasons for the postponements may be
more complicated than what the voting
population knows through media reports. Along
with the team of incumbents, the gubernatorial
election was also being contested by three more
pairs of candidates, the most prominent of whom
was Domingus Mandacan, an elite from the
Arfak tribe and who was the former Bupati of
Manokwari. As reported through the media and
through public pronouncements, the three pairs
of candidates seemed to have formed a loose
coalition against the incumbents. The
candidacies of the incumbents were being
assailed: Governor Atuturi for not being able to
comply with a recent requirement that
candidates should have a college degree, and
Vice Governor Katjong for not being of Papuan
origin ethnically (although there is no legal
document that officially defines who may be
considered a Papuan). An appeal was officially
endorsed to the MRP (Majelis Rakyat Papua) or
the Papuan People's Council based in Jayapura in Papua province. The
MRP is tasked to ensure the upholding
of Papuan culture, a task set forth in the autonomy law, but a
limited one if to be compared with the original
intention of those who first drafted the said law. The involvement
of the MRP was made more complicated when
elites in West Papua province decided they wanted to have an MRP of
their own, thus was born MRP-B, Majelis
Rakyat Papua Barat, or the West Papua People's Council, who now
wanted to be the one to approve the
candidacies of those who wanted to contest the election, after being
approved by the provincial election
commission. However, the MRP-B would not be inaugurated until June
15, which caused the election to be
delayed, and the identities of the members of the MRP-B were not
divulged immediately to the public, said to be
for security reasons. The central government in Jakarta reportedly
approved of the creation of the MRP-B, but
many of those who voiced opposition said that its creation is not
enshrined in the autonomy law; that it was
created to cause disunity; and that the members of the MRP-B might
be more inclined to approve of the
candidacy of the incumbents, which they did almost immediately after
the MRP-B's inauguration.
While all of these were happening, election related violence against
election officials and inter-tribal conflict
occurred in kabupaten Tambrauw and Maybrat, which forced the offices
of the election commission in said areas
to relocate to nearby regencies. Meanwhile, the KPU (Komisi
Pemilihan Umum - the election commission) had
delivery of election materials to attend to, which, in a province
like West Papua, can be a big challenge due to
the rugged terrain.
The three pairs of candidates running against the incumbents
intensified their opposition, calling for further
postponement and even cancellation of the election through direct
lobbying in Jakarta. They refused to
participate in the campaign, though curiously their campaign
billboards were not taken down. Demonstrations of
supporters in Manokwari were held, especially after the three pairs
of candidates were unsuccessful in Jakarta,
and even the office of the Panwaslu (election supervisory committee)
in Manokwari was forcibly closed. There
were reports of intimidation and death threats directed to the
members of the election commission and their
families, and even the chief of police, although it was not clear
from whom the threat was coming. As a final
push, the three candidate pairs urged their tribe members to boycott
the election, through word-of-mouth and
pamphlets distributed in the villages, which made people unsure
whether the election would even push through.
It was in this environment of uncertainty and confusion that the
gubernatorial election in West Papua indeed
pushed through on July 20, 2011.
(To be continued) |
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