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Election Management Bodies’ Forum
by Eric Jude O. Alvia, NAMFREL Secretary
General |
NAMFREL Election Monitor Vol.2, No.22
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The wave of democratization sweeping
throughout several regions has allowed the emergence of new
democracies. Elections have been recognized as an important process
in consolidating and sustaining these new democracies, with
electoral management bodies (EMBs) becoming the prominent
institution in respective societies. Given the importance and these
responsibilities, EMBs felt increasing need to learn and share
experiences and knowledge among their peers to share views and
discuss common issues leading to the formation of the regional EMB
associations. These forums are now regarded as a necessity to
continue the improvement of electoral processes and for
strengthening democracy.
With this impetus, the National Election Commission of the Republic
of Indonesia (KPU) and the International Institute for Democracy and
Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) conducted the 1st ASEAN
Election Management Bodies (EMB) Forum in Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta,
Indonesia on October 3 to 5, 2011. The opening ceremony for the
three-day forum was graced and hosted by Indonesian President Susilo
Bambang Yudhoyono. |
Cambodia |
The forum aimed to contribute to building democracy in ASEAN and to
promote cooperation among South East Asian countries in the
electoral field. It also provided a venue for peer support among
EMBs as well as Election Monitoring Organizations (EMOs) in the
region. The forum paved the way for EMBs, EMOs, the academic
community, regional and international organizations and
institutions, practitioners and specialists in the field related to
electoral assistance as well as those working within the wider
framework of democratic governance to
exchange knowledge and experience among practitioners and experts
from within and outside the region.
Simultaneous to the forum, Namfrel participated in a Public Session
and Fair held for participants and the public where presentations
were to interested members of the public, NGOs and the media. Booths
were set up in an exhibition area for participating international
governmental and non-governmental organizations to promote their
work. The forum was also the occassion to launch two books: the
International IDEA Handbook on Electoral Justice and IFES’
Guidelines to Understanding, Adjudicating, and Resolving Disputes in
Thematic areas covered during the plenary and thematic panel
sessions included: Elections in the region -
identifying problems encountered and things needing improvements;
Gender & Elections – improving strategies and ways
of increasing gender equality through election; Citizen
Participation in Elections – discussion focused on how the
public can effectively participate in exercising its sovereignty;
enablers to participation, such as accurate voter registration and
voter turnout; and hindrances such as complex electoral systems and
poor voter education; Political Party and Campaign Finance
– talks tackled the EMBs’ roles in terms of election
campaigns, democracy building, and reporting and compliance
arrangements; Towards Independent and Transparent EMB in
ASEAN - common issues were discussed relating to the
independence and transparency of Election Management Bodies in
ASEAN; The Importance of Election Observation –
EMBs assessed their implementation of their functions and
responsibilities based on the international principles of democracy
and governance, and discussed the
principles and methods being used by
election monitoring organizations to
observe elections;
Achieving Electoral Justice - discussion |
Forum |
focused on the
effectiveness of existing dispute resolution institutions and
mechanisms and how they can be improved to promote the integrity of
elections; Prevention & Mitigation of Election-Related
Conflict and Violence – views were exchanged to understand
election violence, its causes and consequences, and solutions, to
guide national policy, legislation, and necessary institutional
changes, as well as mechanisms EMBs can engage in to prevent
violence; Arguments Surrounding Elections and Technology
– discussed the implications of the increasing use of technology in
electoral process; Aspiring for an ASEAN Electoral Community
- a presentation was made and consensus was reached to recommend the
shape and form of the ASEAN Electoral Community, within the context
of the ASEAN Political Community. The forum was capped by all
participants agreeing to push and abide by the newly minted
Declaration of the ASEAN Electoral Community.
Philippine participants to the forum besides the Comelec were from
IPER, Lente, PPCRV and Namfrel. |
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